Laba Festival: A unique festival that combines the celebration of harvest and traditional culture

Every year, on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, China and some East Asian countries grandly celebrate an important traditional festival-the Laba Festival. Laba Festival is not as well-known as the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, but it contains rich cultural connotations and unique ways to celebrate. Let’s explore this traditional Chinese festival.

First of all, the Laba Festival originates from China’s ancient farming culture and is an important time to celebrate the harvest. On this day, people will eat Laba porridge, which is a special food mixed with various grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, symbolizing the harvest and family happiness. People also on this day will steam steamed bread, baked glutinous rice cake, eat radish, etc., there are different ways to celebrate, such as some places in the northern region will be held to worship God, setting off fireworks and other activities, praying for the next year, good weather, peace and prosperity.

Another unusual feature is that Laba falls on the last solar term of the lunar year, also known as Labyue La, which symbolizes the end of the year. In some places, people will also refer to the Laba Festival as “La Festival” or “Cold Food Festival”, and there will be some similar celebrations to worship ancestors and Qingming Festival, joining the missing and remembrance of the deceased loved ones.

The uniqueness of the Laba Festival is also reflected in its inheritance of traditional culture. According to ancient records, Laba Festival is also an important day in Buddhism, and some areas will hold “Laba porridge” activities on this day, and folk will be armed to cross over, praying for peace and blessing.

In general, Laba Festival is not only a traditional festival to celebrate the harvest, but also an important embodiment of traditional Chinese culture. If you have the opportunity to travel to China, you may wish to experience the joy of Chinese harvest and the inheritance of traditional culture on this day. May you feel the vastness and harmony of China in this unique and warm festival.

On this special festival, Shandong Gaoji Industrial Machinery Co., LTD., as the leader of busbar processing equipment manufacturing enterprises, would like to extend holiday greetings to you. If you have any bus processing equipment needs, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to serve you.

Post time: Jan-18-2024